Squid Games: A world without God
I never understood why people love Squid Games. To me, it’s just an average show about “what happens to a society without God.” This is not a new concept; Nietzsche and hundreds of other philosophers have written the same thing over the last three thousand years. Let’s see if there is something wrong with killing each other for fun if there is no God.
Conscience, Principles, God
What separates man from animal? Conscience can be suppressed and ignored; if you ignore it long enough, you will be dead and no longer have to face your guilt. Why should you follow principles? They get in the way of your survival; principles are useless without any end goal.
If the rules you follow brought you to this, what use was that rule?
— No Country for Old Men (2007)
The last is God; guilt, morality, and rules mean nothing if there is no God. Think about it, your guilt is just self-torture, your principles are less profitable, and your morality is just made up. How? If there is no God who supports your principles, punishes your guilt, and holds your morality. It is made either by you or the society to which you are not obliged.
Laws ft. Men
Why should I follow some constitution written by some men? Who gave you the right to say what I can or cannot do. Why should I not rape, murder, do whatever I want, harm principle? What if I want to be raped? I want to die. All your arguments and philosophies of man are self-defeating and can never prove themselves. The laws of men lose against exceptions, and the courts are filled with exceptions, so why should I follow them. Whatever the philosophy, let it be, Harm Principle, Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics, Consequentialism, etc, all have exceptions and can’t even prove themselves. How are these supposed to uphold morality?
If you say something is right or wrong, then either you must prove it or prove that you are omniscient. Without any proof, it is just your opinion. But if you are omniscient, then there is no need for proof as you have the knowledge of the entire universe, so you obliviously had accounted for every exception and circumstance in your declaration of right and wrong. Lastly, if you say right and wrong are pre-installed in us, then this refers to a third party who, on his own free will, using his knowledge, has installed these two apps. Now, you say it’s evolutionary, so what? Only guided evolution has been proven, and random evolution has never been proven.
Squid Games are good, and there is nothing wrong with killing useless garbage people; they have no value, and even if they have value, how can you prove it? It’s just a rearrangement of neurons, so why do you care? If watching them butcher each other to death makes me happy, then who gave you the right to interfere in my happiness. Trauma for you, fun for me, same thing, just different neurons.
End of Civilization ft. Fake God
I have seen lazy atheists talk about how society would be better if religion didn’t exist.
Really? Just look at Korea; in 100 years, there is no Korea. They let go of God and, in place of him, started worshipping money, fame, and nationalism and look where they are today. Humans have a God emotion; each one of us worships something or someone; some worship themselves, some ideas, some people, some desires, etc.
There are two types of people in Squid Game: those who chase money and those who catch it. The chaser is ready to give up his life just to live an easy life of money. The catcher, having all the money in the world, still feels empty, a pitiful hollow life, so he searches for new ways to fill his empty life.
Nothing ft. Believe
There is one rule that there is no rule, but still it mathematically creates 1 rule. If I say, nothing exists, for me to say it proves something already exists. Atheists saying we believe in nothing proves that you already believe in something and that something is believing in the idea that there is nothing.
You must have heard of the cheesy dialogue, “We create our own meaning”. What if your meaning is to kill people, and mine is to save them. Which is right? None, as right and wrong, doesn’t exist. You believe killing is right, but when start I killing your family, you beg me not to kill them; why is that? Why do you now believe killing is wrong. Cause we don’t create our own meaning, we choose the paths which already exist. We did not create the paths, nor did we create meaning. We just follow them, and even if you say you don’t believe in right & wrong, when the gun points towards you, you will beg the gun to do the right thing.
The End
Believe what you want to believe, this is a blessing and a curse of free choice, but for a second, don’t think that what you believe is right without any proof; you only fool yourself into feeling good about your own beliefs. To conclude, if you believe Squid Games is wrong, then you indirectly believe in God; you just don’t wanna admit it. I don’t know why; your belief has actually nothing to do with the proof of God’s existence but something to do with your hate for him, your entitled disseverment, and last but not least, your ego.
I will finish this discussion on right & wrong, good & evil, meaning & purpose, and loving & hating God in my upcoming book, I Am God (A phone call between Man and God).
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